I know this isn't a laughing matter but, I can almost see a pigeon with bulging muscles and roid rage.
iWon - News
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's pigeon racers are being subjected to random dope tests as the sport's ruling body clamps down on suspected foul play.
The Royal Pigeon Racing Association has sent test kits to 60 race organizers across England after complaints some birds have been given performance-enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids and synthetic hormones.
"Just like any other sport, there is a suspected small, determined band of cheats who are spoiling things for other owners," Peter Bryant, the Royal Pigeon Racing Association's general manager, told the Daily Telegraph newspaper on Thursday.
"We are hoping to send more and more of the kits to smaller organizations. It is sad that it has come to this but it is the only way we are going to know if the sport is clean."
Britain has more than 50,000 pigeon racers, known as "pigeon fanciers," breeding a million birds a year to race against each other in what can be long-distance endurance events.
Uh...I thought a tip was something you
gave for good service. It would be interesting to know how this turns out.
iWon News
Man Arrested After Leaving Small Tip
Sep 10, 5:51 PM (ET)
LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. (AP) - A New York City man accused of leaving an inadequate tip at a restaurant was arrested, fingerprinted and photographed for a mug shot.
Humberto A. Taveras, 41, faces a misdemeanor charge of theft of services after he and his fellow diners argued with Soprano's Italian and American Grill managers over the legality of requiring an 18 percent tip for large parties.
"They chased us down like a bunch of criminals," Taveras said. "It killed our weekend."
Taveras and eight others had pizza at the restaurant Sunday night. He told the Glens Falls Post-Star they weren't completely satisfied with the food and left a tip of under 10 percent. Taveras said they also were not told of a mandatory 18 percent gratuity for parties of six or more and did not see notice of it on their menus.
Restaurant owner Joe Soprano said all the menus have the notice, and the waitress informed the group. He said he did not choose to pursue charges because of the money, but because Taveras' group was obnoxious.
"It's unfortunate it has come to this, but this guy was rude and abrasive. They practically threw food at us," Soprano said.
Taveras plans to fight the charge. He was issued an appearance ticket and was scheduled to appear in town court Thursday.
The arrest raises the issue of whether the gratuities that restaurants automatically tack on for serving large groups are legally enforceable debts.
Warren County Sheriff Larry Cleveland said he did not believe the issue had been litigated before in New York. He said the case could turn on whether the person is notified of the tip requirement beforehand.
"It's not a black-and-white issue," Cleveland said. "It will be very interesting to see where it goes in court."
Bizarre News Blog
I've been thinking that some of my posts at my
Cognigen Blog don't really fit. After all, I created that blog for business related subjects, so it isn't the place to post a story about
Terror alerts being manufactured
So I created this blog for the sole purpose of posting weird, bizarre, twisted or just plain interesting.